On a particularly nice afternoon, I wanted to get out of the house after spending the morning writing, I wanted to go somewhere that was lovely, interesting and combined work with leisure. The solution? The Ohio Herb Center! We will be filming there for our upcoming video series so I thought I would scout out some interior and exterior shots as well as talk with the coordinator regarding the upcoming shoot!
One of the Herb Capital of Ohio’s BEST assets is located in the heart of Gahanna! The Ohio Herb Center is the perfect place to experience the world of herbs – gardening, culinary, aromatic, health and wellness. The Nafzger-Miller house (110 Mill St. Gahanna, Ohio 43230), is home to the Herb Center. It is listed in the National Register of Historical Places, with the earliest part of the house dating to 1855. Take a class or workshop on a variety of classes, ranging from Tea Blending and DIY Herbal Cosmetics to Thrifty Herbal Homecare. Or rent the center for a small meeting, baby or wedding shower or group event.
The center also sponsors and produces the biggest herb festival in the state! Herb Day is the first Saturday in May and brings together teachers, enthusiasts, and local vendors (including Verdigris) for a celebration of culinary, medicinal and traditional herbs!
Amanda, at the center was amazing, she talked me through the center and gave me access to areas where we might film and also gave me valuable information on the center.
The center is open Monday – Friday: 10 AM – 6 PM and Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM. While you are there, you can also shop for some fun herbs, books and other merchandise!
Call (614) 642-4372 to learn more or visit their website at https://www.ohioherbcenter.org